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Jacket Boohoo,  T-shirt in large Zara-Similar

Hey guys so I have been inundated with dm's asking me where did I purchase this "dress". Unfortunately I have bad news. This dress is in fact a t-shirt, which is now sold out. However ASOS and Missguided have similar t-shirt dresses. So have a little peep, you never now what you may find.


Turning my back on 2016

Mauve Faux Fur Coat Lulus

So 2016 seemed to be the year of the damned countless celebrity deaths, terror attacks and of course the US election of Donald Trump and last but not least Brexit. Like really? How much more could our poor little hearts take.

For me 2016 was a mess! Around October I became severely depressed and started suffering from an eating disorder. I couldn't physical function and my primary role as a mother and provider came to a near absolute standstill. My relationship also suffered and so did my independence-something I tried to hold on to but did not have the willpower.

For personal reasons I won't share the catalyst of my depression (in all honesty its just too much to think about). And just writing this post is bringing back thoughts and memories I would prefer to forget. However I know there are many of us out there who need the support of people who have experienced a form of mental illness to know that they aren't alone.

I keep my circle very small and rarely express my feeling to extended friends or family. But I believe using this platform for the greater good and for once I have decided to be a little more subjective and give you an insight into my life. If you have or are suffering from depression my only advice would be to speak to someone. Someone you trust and someone who can help. Suffering in silence is the worse form of self help and can sometimes lead you into a downward spiral.

As humans we are all prone to bouts of depression and depressive states are not as rare as you may think. Throughout the average life your body goes through micro changes that effect the chemical balance in your brain and life experiences can also affect the balance. This can lead to an imbalance, and a drastic change in your mood. Whether short term or long term it is a horrible experience and can lead to the worst of outcomes.

Thankfully after help from friends and family I overcame my depression,
and I'm slowly starting to regain my weight. Writing this is not easy, but something that has to be done. I've had countless sleepless nights deciding on whether this was something I wanted the general public to know. I choose not to shy away from it and be strong-minded enough to express myself through my blog to help others like me.

So guys don't be afraid to let others know you aren't feeling yourself. Don't hide away the fact that you may feeling like your life is worthless and do tell someone. If you feel like to would like to speak to someone outside of your circle then check out the NHS link below for guidance and counselling.

The state of depression is demeaning and strips you of you. It defames your character and can make you feel alone and unwanted. Though please, please remember help is there, its just up to you to reach out and grab it with BOTH hands. Love yourself and never give up.


Petrina Brooks



The North Face

North Face Mens' Jumper XL,  Public Desire Boots in Janine

Happy New Year! Yep 2017 is upon us and boy am I happy. 2016 (the year of the monkey) was as predicted BAD LUCK. So it seems as though the casual fashion scene has had a jumper dress take over. The gram and many fashion blogs have been saturated in this trend and boy oh boy do I love it! Simple and on trend has always been my motto. Paired with some sexy Chelsea's' or preferably thigh high booties and your ready to roll.

In my case the other half recently purchased this jumper and ever since its been used as a dress whenever I manage to get my hands on it (I think it's high time I purchase one). And I must say it fits perfectly.