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Throwing Shade

Pattenerd Retro Sunglasses Boohoo // Black Retro Frameleess Sunglasses Boohoo

Forever shopping for clothes and not enough accessories is the bane of my life. So this year I decided accessories were going to be number one on my wish list.

Having a sneak peak around Boohoo I came across some amazing sunglasses and decided I would definitely be purchasing one or two. As I prefer to try on sunglasses before purchase I thought two would be enough as I do not have the ability to try before I buy and returns-well I hate returning items I love ,but just do not want to fit my body as envisioned.

 I decided on some simple black glasses and brown patterned ones. As I tend to squint a lot sunglasses are a must have during the London Summer season. Although wearing them for long periods of time does give me a headache -sunnies are a staple. They are a protectants  UV rays, can reduce premature wrinkles caused by sun damage and constant squinting. They also make your outfit complete and your style mind content!

Click on links provided so you can have your own little snoop around Boohoo 

Brooks and Lei 


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